We were not sorry when this phase passed into somethingsafer for herself, though perhaps not so charming to thepublic. Chellalu at two and three-quarters had surgicalambitions. Medical work she considered slow. She likedoperations. Her first, so far as we know, was performedupon the unwilling eye of a smaller and weaker sister. "Liedown!" she had commanded, and the patient had lain down."Open your eyes!" At this point the victim realised whatshe was in for, and her howls brought deliverance; but notbefore Chellalu had the agitated baby's head in a firmgrip between her knees, and holding the screwed-upeye wide open with one hand, was proceeding to drop in"medicine" with the other. Mercifully the medicine waswater.
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But this vision of the kindergarten is hardly a fortnightold; for Classes B, C, and D are of recent development, and aremade up of some heedless characters, as Chellalu and Pyârie,who could not keep up with class A, and a few more youngthings from the nursery who were wilder than wild rabbitsfrom the wood when we began. Also it should be statedthat from the babies' point of view white people are onlyplaythings. "They were very good before you came!" isthe unflattering remark frequently addressed to us; andas we discreetly retire, the babies do seem to becomesuddenly beautifully docile. But even so they might bebetter, as an unconscious comedy over-seen this morningproves. I was in the porch outside the door, when Rukma,pointing to a blackboard on which were written sundry words,told Chellalu to show her "cat," and I looked in interested toknow if Chellalu really knew anything of reading. Chellalubrandished the pointer, then turned to Rukma with a confidentialsmile, "Cat? Where is it, Accal? Is it at the top orat the bottom?" Rukma, who has a keen sense of the comic,seemed to find it difficult to look as she felt she ought.Chellalu caught the twinkle in her eye, and throwing herselfheartily into the spirit of the game, which was evidentlyintended to be a kindergarten version of Hunt the Mousethrough the Wood, she searched the blackboard for cat. Thento Rukma: "Accal! dear Accal! Tell me, and I'll tell you!" 2ff7e9595c